Workplace Heart Health: It’s the Best Valentine

Published on Tue, 02/10/2015 - 20:58

Valentine’s Day is on its way with the usual flurry of chocolates and cards, but those aren’t the only hearts to celebrate this month. February is American Heart Month, too.

Every year, more than 600,000 Americans die of heart disease according to the CDC – that’s one out of every four deaths nationwide. But when people take steps to live a heart-healthy lifestyle, heart disease can be prevented. Spread the love this Valentine’s Day. Encourage your employees to pursue heart health in the workplace.

Six ways to give your team a heart-healthy workplace

1. Send valentines. Spread awareness among your employees by passing out a fact sheet on heart disease prevention, in the form of a valentine. Here are some facts you might want to include.

2. Plan a company walk. Exercise is an important ingredient of heart health. Pick a day this week to get outside with your team and meet up at the nearest park – either knock off early, or give them a break mid-day.

3. Share stories. Every morning for one week, send out a team-wide email with a link to one of the stories from the blog. Most people can remember stories better than facts.

4. Treat your team to lunch. Call in a meal this week, and make it a heart-healthy one with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. For example ... any of these look good?

5. Plan a quiz ... with prizes. Put together a grab-bag of simple goodies (dark chocolates, a gift card), and give it to whomever wins the heart-health quiz at the end of the week. Tell your team in advance, so they can study up at

6. Get your Workplace Wellness Kit ... and use it! The American Heart Association offers a plethora of freely downloadable materials to help you introduce the essentials of heart health to your employees, and more, to help you put them into practice company-wide.

The takeaway? Don’t wait till later to emphasize the importance of heart health in your workplace. Your involvement can make a real difference in your employees’ lives – and of all the times to get started, February is the perfect month.

Want to learn more about opportunities to engage your employees with wellness? Watch this workplace wellness video.

Meanwhile, here’s to a happy Valentine’s Day (and a healthy heart) for you, your team and all your loved ones!
